Emulation for Logic Validation

Emulation for Logic Validation also referred to as virtual commissioning. This process involves replicating the behavior of one or more pieces of hardware with a software environment (typically for a system under design). The goal of the emulation engineer is to create an environment that mimics the real automation hardware. The ultimate goal of emulation is to provide an environment for the manufacturing automation controls engineer to validate their PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) ladder logic and HMI (Human-Machine Interface) files prior to system debug in the plant environment therefore improving quality and enabling a seamless transition from the virtual to physical environment.


Unlike discrete event simulation, emulation for logic validation is not necessarily concerned with process centric timing.


What was first pioneered by General Motors in the early 90’s, emulation for logic validation has now begun to spawn an industry including software created for the sole purpose of emulation. Companies such as Emulate3D Controls Testing, xcelgo, Siemens, Visual Components or Dassault have developed advanced platforms for virtual commissioning of many different manufacturing and warehouse systems.

See also